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Model 21 Blueprints

The best way to print a blueprint is to save the image to your desktop, then print using a JPEG editor.  Don't forget to set your printer to landscape.  The files are large, to preserve detail, and may take a few minutes to download with a modem.
The prints are organized by barrels, frame, stock.  Then by earliest date, print number and description.  Some print numbers were duplicated.  In that case I've added a suffix to the print number.

Click the print number to view the print.  Server space prohibits me from adding high resolution scans, so let me know if you need a better copy and I will e-mail the master .TIF file.

Blueprints for the butt stock and fore-end

#2133-1340 Nov. 28, 1928 Stock, 12 Gauge
Print for the first canoe paddle version butt stock.  See #2133-1342 for details.

#2133-1344 Mar. 18, 1929 Stock, 16 Gauge
Print for the first, canoe paddle version, butt stock.  See #2133-1342 for details.

Fore-End, Splinter, Extractors 12 Ga. Dec 19, 1929
Drawing for the original splinter fore-end W/O ejectors, including in-letting.  The drawing has an undated 'OBSOLETED' remark, then the drawing was reinstated on Feb. 10-47.

#2133-1346 Jan. 17, 1930 Stock, 20 Gauge
Print for the first, canoe paddle version, butt stock.  See #2133-1342 for details.

#2133-1342, Feb. 2, 1931 - 12 Ga. Stock, Single Trigger
Drawing for in-letting of the 12 Gauge single trigger stock.  Of interest is the shortening of the lower lightening hole from 8" to 6" in April, 1931 and the redesigned in-letting for non-automatic safety in 1948.

Beaver Tail Forend 20 Gauge, Feb. 20, 1931
Print for the dimensions of the pre-war Beaver-tail forend.  Includes the Rock Elm biscuit insert in the forend latch inlet, just foreword of the forend shoe.  The print was revised on June 25, 1934

Beaver Tail Forend 16 Gauge Extractors, June 9, 1931
Print for the beaver tail forend for the  'Standard Gun', the name for the double-trigger, extractor gun.  The print is marked 'discontinued in 1946, the same year the double trigger gun was dropped from the line. see catalog 1827.

Beaver Tail Forend, Selective Ejection, 16 Gauge June 9, 1931
A note from 1934 indicates that the top contour at the rear was changed.

Beaver Tail Forend Assembly, 12-16-20 Gauges, 5-19-38
This drawing illustrated the 'Rock Elm Insert' used to support the forend hardware used on pre-war forends.

Splinter Fore-End-Fancy Checkering Nov. 4, 1941
Outside dimensions and checkering pattern of the Custom Grade, Splinter Fore-End, 12-16-20 gauges.  The print was established in 1941 and reestablished in 1944. Compare to Fore-Arm Splinter 12 Ga for standard checkering layout

#2100-4176 Fore-Arm Splinter Nov. 28, 1944
12 Gauge selective ejection in-letting and dimensions.  click here checkering layout

Fore-Arm Splinter 12Ga Checkering Layout
Checkering layout for the splinter fore-end.  See #2100-4176 for in-letting and dimensions.  Compare to Splinter Fore-End Fancy.

Fore-End Standard, 16 Ga. Selective Ejection Aug. 9, 1946
Dimension for the standard, splinter, fore-end including the checkering pattern.   See 12 gauge for in-letting details

Fore-End Beaver Tail 20 Gauge Aug. 22, 1946
Beaver Tail fore-end with the Kidney pattern checkering.  The drawing has two remarks noting the addition (4-25-47) and removal (4-3-48) of a 'RE-ENFORCEMENT'.  I believe the remarks refer to the ebony insert used to strengthen the forearm, see page 117, Winchester's Finest, THE MODEL 21, by Ned Schwing.  There also is a hand written remark that the drawing was redesigned in May 1951.

#Butt Plate Oval Oct 10, 1946
Details of the composition Oval 'Winchester' butt plate produced by outside vendors.  Interesting in that it specifies that 'M-21' be molded in raised letters on the inside of the plate. see #1100-1390 for the butt plate used during the 'Custom Shop' era.

Butt Stock 12 Gauge Dec. 20, 1946
Sketch to illustrate the approximate shape of the standard Model 21 12 ga. stocks.  Illustrated the full pistol grip, compare to #2133-1342.

Fore-End Skeet, Delux 12 Ga. 5-3-51
Print provides outside dimensions, placement of ebony insert and positioning of Delux checkering pattern.

#2100-4170, Style #1 Fore-end, 5-4-51
Style#1 Fore-end is the large beavertail fore-end used on Trap and Duck guns.

#2100-6176, 20 Gauge, Style #3 Fore-end,  5-10-51
Hession Type, Delux Field Gun, 20 Gauge.  The dimensions are the same as the standard fore-end, except for the black insert and checkering pattern.

Fore-End, Delux, 20 Gauge 5-9-51
Same as standard fore-end 20 gauge except for insert and checkering.

#2121-401, Forend-Standard 16. Ga, 5-10-51
Blueprint for the standard or field forend.  Note the title box states 'G21B SKEET 16Ga. FOREEND - STANDARD'.  The drawing nomenclatures suggest that the field or standard beaver tail is a sub-style of the skeet.  Historically the skeet beavertail was introduced first and well received by shooters of the day making the standard beavertail a natural product evolution.

#2100-5175, 5-10-51, 16 Gauge #3 Hession Deluxe
Blueprint illustrates the Deluxe checkering and black forend tip insert.  See #2121-401 for dimensional details.

Forend Standard Grade, 16 Gauge Skeet, 5-10-51
Blueprint for the late style skeet with the diamond checkering pattern.

#2100-5170 Diamond Checkering Pattern, 5-11-51   
Checkering pattern layout for all grades and styles.  The date suggests approximately when the 'Diamond' pattern replaced the 'Kidney' pattern.  See #2100-6170 for the delux pattern.

Fore-End Skeet, 12 Ga. 1-7-53
A confusing drawing.  The only difference I can find between this drawing and #2100-4172 is that the fore-end is 0.050" thinner at the front end.  The fact that the dates are within those of #2100-4172, and this drawing is not numbered suggest that this drawing was never approved.

#2100-4172, 12 Ga. Style #2 Fore-end, 4-21-53
I believe this drawing is for the Standard, post-war fore-end.  Though a little confusing because the title box indicates that it is a Skeet style, but the drawing indicates that the "Top Edge Shall be 1/64" above to 1/32" below the barrel center line which is the specification for the standard and Hession styles.  Compare this drawing to 'Fore-End Skeet, Delux...' above.

Fore-end, Skeet 12 Ga. 5-2-51
Drawing is labeled 'Standard' but the dimensions are for the skeet fore-end.  See revision dated 1-7-53.

Fore-end, Standard 12 Ga. 1-7-53
Corrected version of 5-2-51 above.

#2100-4173 Fore-end Delux Style #2, 12 Gauge, 5-21-53
Same as standard fore-end except for insert and checkering.

#2100-4174 5-14-51 Fore-end, Standard 12 ga. Hession Type, Style #3
Detail drawing for the 12 gauge Hession Type fore-end. (photo)

#2100-4175 5-10-51 Fore-end, Deluxe 12 ga. Hession Type, Style #3
12 gauge drawing revised in '52 and '53. Same as standard fore-end, see #2100-4174 above, except for insert and checkering.

Fore-end Deluxe 16 Ga. 5-4-51
Predecessor to #2100-5173 below. Not footnote for 'Walnut-Fancy'.

#2100-5173 5-10-51 16Ga. Deluxe Fore-End
Style #2, Standard Beaver-Tail shape.  References standard For-end for in-letting and other dimensions.

#2100-5174 Fore-end, 16 Ga. Hession 5-10-51
Revised in 1952 and again in 1953.

#2100-6170 5-10-51 Fore-End Deluxe Checkering Pattern (18 Point Diamond Checkering (20°)
For all standard styles and gauges; trap, duck, skeet and field.  The only difference is the length of the pattern.  See #2100-5170 for the standard diamond pattern.

Fore-End 16 Ga. Skeet 5-10-51
Skeet fore-end with diamond checkering pattern.  This drawing was changed in January, 1952, see below.

Fore-End 16 Ga. Standard 1-8-52
Minor changes to the contour of the front of the fore-end and to the depth.   This style was used for about a year then revised again.  The drawing is marked 'Skeet' but sides are at or below the barrel center line in the side views.

#2100-6171 Forearm .410 Gauge 14 May '52
Deluxe style forearm for the .410 Deluxe Model 21.  Minor revisions made in 1955.  Note the handwritten comment in the bottom margin indicating the other dimensions are the same as the 20 gauge forearm.

Fore-end Deluxe Skeet 20 Gauge 'UNDATED'
Drawing shows the size and position of the black impregnated wood insert.   The drawing references either standard 20 gauge forearm or #2122-401 (I'm not sure which applies) for dimensions and #2100-6170 for checkering.

Fore-end Stanandard, 20 Gauge, 5-11-51
The dimensions on this drawing are actually for the Skeet Fore-end, not the field or standard.  The mistake was corrected with the issuing of drawing #2122-401 on 1-22-52 below.

#2122-401 Fore-end Standard, 20 Gauge, 1-22-52
The last standard grade 20 gauge fore-end.  This fore-end was used on 20 gauge, 3-inch magnum #26,966.

#2100-6174 20 Gauge Style#3 Hession Forend May, 11 '51
Minor revisions were made in April, 1952.  The drawing references the standard 20 gauge forearm drawing for dimensions and  #2100-6170 for checkering.

#2133-1348 8 - May 52 Stock - .410 Gauge
Deluxe stock for the Custom Built .410 with ventilated rib barrel.   Dimensions adjusted for vent rib and the lightening holes are different than standard gauge guns.

#2100-6810 12-3-52 STEEL PISTOL GRIP CAP
This print first issued 12-3-52 with several revisions added.  Note the 'Alteration' remark of 9-18-55 indicating the discontinuance of Models 43, 71 and 75.

#2100-5172 Fore-end 16 Ga. Style #2 4-23-53
Exterior dimensions and the final version of the 16 gauge forearm.  Note the many changes made to a part for one of the slowest selling guns in the Winchester line.  See the drawings from 1931, 1951 and 1952.

#1100-1390 Butt Plate 11-3-60
Staggered Winchester plastic butt plate.  Interesting notes about the change in materials of construction to Tenite #2 plastic and a list of other guns that the plate was used on.  see: Butt Plate Oval for the post war butt plate.

Blueprints for frame components

#Barrel Stop Screw, All Gauges, April 3, 1928
Includes hardening specifications.  Note the slot size was changed in 1957 and could be an indicator for dating later barrels.

#2100-5130 Locking Bolt, All Gauges, Jan. 19, 1929

#2133-2130 Screw, Cocking Lever, 12 Gauge, May 22, 1929
Includes alloy and temper specifications.

#2100-0880 21 Springs, Jan. 30, 1929
Fore End Catch Spring, Ejection Hammer Spring (fist variation, see #2100-2370), Top Lever Spring, Barrel Stop Spring, Hammer Spring.

#2120-7650 Springs for the Single Trigger, June 12, 1930
Safety Rod Returning Spring, Timing Weight Plunger Spring

#2100-7710 Safety Slide Spring, June 11, 1929
Flat spring for the thumb safety.

#2100-2370 Ejection Hammer Spring, 11-26-69
This drawing provides the load and working specifications in addition to the physical dimensions.

#2100-7860 Sear Spring-2 Right & Left Hand, Jan. 7, 1930
Leaf spring for the sears.

#7400-2940 Locking Bolt Catch Spring, 5-31-49
The Model 74 bolt stop plunger spring was used on the Model 21 as the locking bolt catch spring.  Whenever possible Winchester used the same part for different models.

#2100-9486 Nov. 14, 1928 Trigger Plate - Double Trigger
A difficult drawing to read.  Note that it was updated in 1951 and again in 1954.   One wonders if there might be a couple double trigger Duck or Pat'ridge guns?

#2133-4180 Feb. 19th 1929 Frame 12 Gauge, Ejectors Matted Rib
This drawing shows the differences between a frame for extractors and one for ejectors (#2133-4184 following).

#2133-4184 Feb. 19, 1929 Frame 12 Gauge, Extractors Matted Rib
The base frame drawing, inforce through the entire manufacturing period was last updated on 3-25-69.

#2133-4186 3-26-30 Frame 20 Gauge
This drawing is for both the extractor and ejector style frames.  In August 1932 there is a note that 'lightening' cuts were added, meaning there is an early version of the 20 gauge receiver.  However, the cuts are hidden by the trigger plate making the variation of only academic interest.  Another interesting note, that on March 25, 1969 Winchester added the "W" to the serial number to comply with the GCA of 1968.

#2133-2420 Pin, Ejection Sear 12 Gauge, May 15, 1928
For selective ejection, includes alloy, temper.

#2133-4750 Pin, Hammer 12 Gauge, Feb. 21, 1929
Includes alloy and finishing specifications.

#2162-4750 Pin, Hammer 16 & 20 Gauge, May 1, 1934
Includes alloy and finishing specifications.

#2133-7800 Pin, Sear 12 Gauge, Feb. 21, 1929
Includes alloy and blueing specifications.

#2162-7800 Pin, Sear 16 & 20 Gauge, April 11,1929
Includes alloy and finishing specifications.

#Single Trigger Assembly June 14th, 1930
The drawing submitted to the U.S. Patent Office for Winchester's patent for the single trigger.  A nice close up of the shift button, shift lever and shift spring, the heart of the single trigger.

#33933 June 24, 29 INSCRIPTION ROLL TRIGGER PLATE G21B 12 - 16 & 20 GA.
Inscription roll to impress "Winchester" on the trigger plate (see page32, Winchester's Finest, THE MODEL 21, by Ned Schwing)

Barrel selection "L R" for all gauges.  Interesting for it dates the development work on the single trigger.

#2133-4181 Feb 10-1931 VENTILATED RIB FRAME & TOP LEVER (12 GA)
Frame drawing illustrating the profile of the frame top and sand blasting of the receiver around the top lever.  Note the matting was added on March 13, '31 and sandblasting was added August 27, '31.

#2133-4510 Guard Bow - Single Trigger, Feb. 24, 1932 
Trigger Guard Bow for both pistol grip and straight grip stock.  This print is useful for converting a short tang to a long tang.

#2133-4512 Guard Bow - Double Trigger, Nov. 3, 1928
Use this print and #2133-4510 to convert a short tang to a long tang.  Note the changes to the width of the tang, the earlier was narrower.  These changes also applied to the single trigger guard bow in print #2133-4510 Guard Bow - Single Trigger, Feb. 24, 1932 above.


This roll is for the early receiver markings that included the patent numbers on the right flat.  Notice the hand written comment by W. Cook that the drawing was discontinued on 4-4 41.

#2133-4189 Jan. 19, 1933 FRAME (ALL GAUGES) MARKINGS
Of note is the removal of the patent numbers from the right flat.  Notice the stud above the hinge joint is for an extractor gun and the specification of 'Tobin Bronze', not gold, to fill the word 'SAFE'.

2133-4186A 2 Sheets REWORK - WELDING & MACHINING
These prints are the most telling of all the prints I've found.  They describe, in detail, how to convert a STANDARD receiver to a VENTILATED RIB receiver and how to remove the side Bosses.  The existence of these prints, and the fact that Winchester contracted the re-work, helps explain those guns that appear to be factory original Vent-rib guns but don't letter.  In other words, if Winchester did the work, certainly any competent metal smith could.  No doubt during the earlier production period Winchester did this work in house.

#2133-9482 Trigger Plate .410 Gage 3-17-52
A busy drawing, but interesting none the less for the 1956 revision to the lightening cut.

#2100-7980 Shift Lever, Single Trigger, June 10, 1930

#2100-9660 Single Trigger and Blade Complete, 2-4-54
Assembly drawing.

#2100-9350 Single Trigger, June 10, 1930
Includes hardening instructions.

#2100-9400 Single Trigger - Trigger Blade, June 10, 1930
Includes steel specifications and temper.

#2133-7750 12 Ga. Sear-Left, Single Trigger, 1-3-52
Includes alloy and heat treating specifications.

#2133-7760 12 Ga. Sear-Right, Single Trigger, 1-3-52
The pair to #2133-7760 above.

#2162-7750 16&20 Ga. Sear-Right, Single Trigger, 1-3-52

#2162-7760 16&20 Ga. Sear-Left, Single Trigger, 1-3-52

#2133-4710(a) & 20 - Hammers, 12 Gauge, Feb. 20th 1929
Illustrates the off set firing pins.  The hammer design and the use of Winchester Proof Steel used allow Winchester to employ a narrower reciever.

#2162-4710 - Hammers, 16 Gauge, Feb. 20, 1929
Note that the firing pins are centered on the hammers, compare with #2133-4710.

#2133-4710(b) & 20, - Hammers, 20 Gauge, Feb. 29, 1929
Note off set firing pins.

Trigger Ejector Combinations 2-4-66
I believe this print may have been used to train assemblers.  I find it interesting that at this late date double triggers and extractors were part of the nomenclature.   The most fascinating part is the illustration of the SINGLE NON-SELECTIVE TRIGGER.   I've never found another reference.

Blueprints for the barrels

Inscription roll to impress "Winchester Proof Steel" on the bottom of both, forward of the barrel flats.

Original barrel inscription for the top of both barrels 12, 16, 20 gauge.

#2133-0682 Feb. 22, 1929 BARRELS - ASSEMBLED 16 GAUGE
A busy print but interesting because it illustrates the correct placement of middle sights for 26", 28" and 30" barrels on July 2, 1934, December 19, 1934 and January 27, 1936 respectively.  Also noteworthy is the addition of the forend lug key on May 24, 1940 and the placement of the the "Custom Built by Winchester" rib relief.

#2133-0686 March 9, 1936 Barrels - Assembled 28 Gauge
This print is for 26"& 28" barrels of a gun that was never cataloged.   When John Olin wanted a gun 'his' shop made it for him.  Note the remark to see 20 gauge drawings for other dimensions.  The note specifying the 2 7/8" as 'Standard", while the 2 1/2" shell was furnished on 'Special Order' suggests Winchester may have intended to catalog the Model 21 28 gauge.

#2133-9330 Nov. 19, 1928 Top Rib 12 Gauge
Drawing illustrates the positioning and size of the solid rib for 12 gauge guns.

#2111 Jan. 27, 1936 Ventilated Rib - 26" 12 gauge Skeet
The drawing is based on the 30" ventilated rib drawing.  Note the modification dated Oct. 28, '38 for the removal of the retaining screw at the fore end lug!   Apparently, earlier vent rib barrels had a retaining screw under the rib and into the fore end lug.  I've not seen an early vent rib gun so I don't know if the screw is under or through the barrel spacer rib.  I'd like to hear from someone who has such a gun.

Roll for the left side of the left barrel indicating model, gauge and chamber length.   Noteworthy for the inclusion of the markings for the 28 gauge!

#2133-0689 3-25-69 BARREL INSCRIPTION
Print for marking barrels of Custom Built Model 21's.  Shows the marking and location of all interior and exterior barrel markings. (note this file is about 1.0 mb and may be slow to load with a modem)   

©2010 M.C. Manges