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An Example of the Early Box for the Model 21
A reader was kind enough to provide photographs of his double trigger Model 21 in the first style packing box. I've never seen a complete example of this box, but on page 60 of Roger Rule's1 excellent book on the Model 70 is a photograph of a pre-war Model 70 in this early box. Only the early Instruction Manual is packed with the rifle. But, I think a tag recommending Winchester Ammunition and Cleaning Preperations2 was also included. I would guess the same for the Model 21. Also, sometime in the middle 1930's Winchester began packing Model 21 catalogs with the guns. |
The Instruction Manual supplied with the early packaging. |
Model 21 #785 is a 30" M/F double trigger gun matching the end label code of this box. I suspect a cardboard filler to enclose the forearm is missing. The filler, with the forearm inside, would fit foreword the receiver keeping the receiver assembly from sliding to the right and at the same time protect the forearm. All three gun components were wrapped in oiled wax paper. |
About 1940 the section in the upper right corner changed, "cleaning and lubricating preparations" changed to "metal preparations" and "General Utility Oil"3 was deleted. |
A couple of years ago I missed the only opportunity I had to acquire a Model 21 box, Tony Galazan got there first. I would like to buy examples from each production period or if you rather not sell I would gladly post photos. |
1 Roger C. Rule, The Rifleman's Rifle, Winchester's Model 70, 1936-1963 (Northridge, California 1982), p. 60.
2 Ibid., photograph 2-16, p. 58.
3 Ibid., p. 57.
©2010, M.C. Manges