Winchester Model 21 Patents
Safety Mechanism |
Barrel Stop |
Interlocking barrels |
Locking Mechanism |
Locking Bolt Latch |
Forend Latch |
Single Trigger |
Adjustable Trigger |
WS-1 Choke |
Try Gun Outfit |
For those who own other guns click this link then enter the patent number.
To view the patents you have to have the AlternaTIFF, TIFF file reading software installed. Simply click the link, , follow the downloading instructions, be sure you get the version that is correct for your browser. Once the plug-in is installed, click on a patent link above. The AlternaTIFF plug-in will run and you will see:
The Full Text button is on the left of the screen. Click it, then you will see a screen with several red text 'buttons' similiar to the image below. Note the patent number you selected will be shown on the right. Click on "Images" and your patent will be downloaded to the viewer.