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The Model 21 Sales Portfolio of Mr. W.R. Wood , c. 1930 - 1960. | |||
Found at a flea market by a reader of this web-site, Mr. W.R. Wood's Model 21 Salesman's Folio contained several interesting items, particularly the October 1930 introductory price list. This price list is earliest I know of to list the Model 21, earlier than the January 1931 list mentioned by Stadt* in his excellent 'Winchester Shotguns and Shotshells". The folio contained about 46 pages for Mr. Wood's use in promoting the Model 21. The pages in the folio are catalog page proofs of price lists and model availability through the 'White Catalog', the first of the Custom Shop Era. No complete catalogs were included except the proof pages of the 1960. Click on an image to view full screen. |
Back Cover | ||
October 15, 1930 Retail Price List Introduces the Model 21 four months earlier than previously thought! |
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*Ronald W. Stadt, Winchester Shotguns and Shotshells (Wola, Wisconsin, 1995), p. 161.
©August 21, 2003 M.C. Manges