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#30,136 Duck Gun
This Model 21 was made for stock in December 1953. The gun remained in the warehouse for nearly 10 years until, according to the factory records, the "gun drawn from the inventory by Miller"(sic) on May 22, 1962 when the initials 'MRM' were inlaid in gold on the trigger guard. The above average figure in the butt stock may have been the reason for the extended storage.
The gun was returned to the Custom Shop from Paris, France on April 21, 1966 when the extra set of 28 inch barrels and a Hession forend were fitted. Maj. John W. Hession was the Manager of the Shooting Promotion Division. Both sets of barrels are chambered for 3-inch shells and fitted with a middle sight. The metal grip cap was also installed at the same time. 'MRM', is Malcolm R. Mallory, President-Director General Winchester Europe, L.A., Avenue de Champs Elysies, Paris. I spoke to Mr. Mallory and he verified all of the changes on the factory letter and the opening of the chokes of the 28" barrels from M/F to IC/M. The original markings were over struck with two lines each and the new chokes stamped exactly as Ed Ulrich describes an article in the Double Gun Journal1
See the Weight Comparison Table for details of this guns specifications.
#30,136 Duck Gun & Extra Barrels,
32" F/F on top, 28" IC/Mod w/Hession forearm attached.
Pistol grip cap and right side.
Trigger plate and guard.
Trap Forearm fitted the the 32" Barrels
1Edward E. Ulrich, "Winchester Model 21s ~ A Good Investment~", Double Gun Journal, XII Issue 1 (Spring 2001), 51.
©2001 M.C. Manges